Når hverdagen melder sig, og alle har travlt med at få hele maskinen til at køre, så kan man hurtigt springe til de lette valg med tilbøjelighed til at gøre som man plejer. Men det er netop i de situationer, at webshoppen risikerer, at gå glip af store værdier.
Du ved det sikkert godt; husk at A/B teste og husk at teste løbende. Men jeg kan ikke understrege det nok, hvor vigtigt det er. Selv små forskelle kan have stor værdi for din butik.
Forleden uge køre vi på Lomax.dk en ganske simpel A/B test af to næsten identiske bannere, hvor blot et enkelt budskab var ændret.
De to bannere ses her. Version A med teksten “Fra kun kr 69,-” og version B med teksten “til hele firmaet” og ellers er de helt identiske og fører ind til den samme side med påskeæg.
Hvilken version tror du fik flest klik og gav den størst omsætning? (svaret står længere nede)
When everyday life presents itself and everyone is in a hurry to get the whole machine running, you can quickly jump to the easy choices with a tendency to do as you usually do. But it is precisely in those situations that the webshop risks missing out on great value.
You probably know it well; remember to A/B test and remember to test continuously. But I can’t stress enough how important it is. Even small differences can have great value for your store.
Last week at Lomax.dk we ran a very simple A/B test of two almost identical banners, where only a single message had been changed.
The two banners can be seen here. Version A with the text “From only DKK 69” and version B with the text “to the entire company” and otherwise they are completely identical and lead to the same page with Easter eggs.
Which version do you think got the most clicks and generated the most revenue? (the answer is further down)

The two banners are almost identical and at first glance you would think that there is hardly a big difference, so is it even worth spending resources on the low variants?
After running a simple A/B test over a few days, it was clear that one variant fared significantly better than the other. In fact next twice as good both measured by number of clicks and number of conversions.
The value of such a relatively insignificant change, however, is not insignificant at all, and over an entire campaign period, it can easily result in a difference of several hundred thousand kroner in turnover.
Can you afford not to A/B test?

Med over 20 års erfaring inden for eCommerce, online markedsføring og digital forretningsudvikling er Jan velbevandret i alle dicipliner relateret til at drive digital forretning, herunder også ledelse af teams, logistik, backoffice, kundeservice og alt hvad der ellers ligger bag at drive en profitable forretning.